Tech Tip 1: The Power of Sample Introduction

Sample introduction or the GC inlet parameters are very often overlooked when developing a GC or GC-MS method, but these parameters are so powerful that they can result in success or total failure of an application and as a result are also the main area for troubleshooting and maintenance within the GC system.

The main techniques in sample introduction are:

  • on-column injections;
  • split injections;
  • splitless injections;
  • large volume injections


 Sample Introduction

Once you have chosen your technique, you need to ensure:

  1. You choose the best liner style for your technique and application (this is something that is very rarely mentioned in publications).
  2. You optimise the inlet temperature (to ensure total transfer onto the analytical column compounds of interest, with minimal degradation and with as little matrix as possible).
  3. You optimise any technique-related parameters like split ratio, splitless time, solvent vent time, etc.

The picture above shows just how powerful the inlet temperature can be to transfer or exclude from the column compounds of interest or not interested in. This is just by changing the inlet temperature and when the split flow is turned on or off!

To learn more about sample introduction techniques attend Day 1 of our Complete GC & GC-MS course and Module 3 of our Virtual Classroom Complete GC & GC-MS course.

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