Tech Tip 25: The "Curse of co-linearity" in hyper-dimensional data sets

Fold changes and variability together can be
considered in a so-called "Volcano Plot"

Techniques such as mass spectrometry can produce 10's or 100's of thousands of data points per sample. In these cases, it is impossible to satisfy the statistical experiments' design goal of having substantially more sample replicates than variable. If you have lots of extracted compound peaks, then some will appear to be significantly different purely by chance. This may be apparent in your ANOVA test or when you visualise the data with something like Principle Components Analysis. This can be quite a problem, for example:

Taking a data set of 10,000 peaks or features =10,000 individual significance tests theoretically that could be performed with P-value of, say, 0.05 (5% error). If you do the maths this then equates to 500 features (0.05 x 10,000) which will be predicted to be statistically significant purely by chance. What can we do to help this?

Part of the answer is to perform Quality Control before doing full statistical analyses, to filter out and to decrease false positives. This would be something such as requiring a data feature to be present in, say, at least 75% of replicates or even 100%. We might want to only consider features with a certain Fold Change increase or decrease from a control. Also fold -changes and variability together can be considered in a so-called "Volcano Plot". Whichever techniques are used, the important idea is that we are wanting to concentrate our subsequent statistical analysis on feature which are reproducible and strong, thus reducing the likelihood of observing false positives in our statistical and modelling analysis.

A complementary approach can be applied post-significant testing by performing "Multiple Testing Correction" techniques to further decrease the number of false positives. Two common methods used are:

(A) "Bonferroni" – We chose a P-value (e.g. 0.05) this is divided by the number of entities. (e.g. 1000 peaks) 0.05/1000 = 0.00005. A peak/compound would be considered significantly different only if the P-value was below 0.00005. It is quite a conservative approach and greatly reduces false positives, but false negatives can increase.

(B) Benjamini Hochberg FDR (False Discover rate). It's less conservative than Bonferroni so generates more false positives but fewer false negatives. To perform it, P-values for all tests are sorted in ascending order. The position of each test is divided into the total number of tests. That value is then multiplied by the calculated P-value. The result is the new corrected P-value.

Luckily you don't need to calculate these yourself. Any serious software package should include these tests and the best way to understand their effect is just to play around with your data sets.

There are no hard or fast rules about how to filter your data or test for its significance or false discovery. What is vital is to try to always ask yourself "does this make sense" and to do that you need to understand the system you are working with and contextualise the statistical outcome within that. As I often say to clients and students "Statistics is not an exact science"!