Practical Essentials of Liquid-Liquid Extraction (LLE)
Module 1 of the Practical Essentials of Sample Preparation course.
Course summary
- Duration: 3.25 hours
- Experience level: Advanced
- Course Type: Universal, applicable to all instrumentation
- Teaching method: Online via live video, with instrument parts and consumables to see
- RSC CPD approval: Approved for CPD
- Scheduled course venue: Virtual Classroom
- Online/onsite/in-house availability: Arrange this course just for you
- Scheduled course price: £195 + VAT per delegate
- Course discount: RSC and CAMS members receive a discount on this course*
Course approval
This course has been approved by the Royal Society of Chemistry for purposes of Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
Liquid-Liquid Extraction (LLE) is a method for separating compounds based on their relative solubilities in two different immiscible liquids, usually water (polar) and an organic solvent (non-polar). There is a net transfer of one or more species from one liquid into another liquid phase, generally from aqueous to organic. The solvent that is enriched in solute(s) is called the extract. LLE is a basic technique in chemical laboratories, where it is performed on large volumes via separating funnels and small volumes via vials. The technique can be miniaturised with XYZ autosamplers. The term partitioning is commonly used to refer to the underlying chemical and physical processes involved in LLE.
What will you learn on this course?
This course covers all the practical theory of solvent extraction, partitioning, solubility, miscibility, sample preparation, matrix modification including pH adjustment and the choice of relevant apparatus.
Learning outcomes
- You will learn about modern Liquid-Liquid Extraction (LLE)
- You will gain knowledge about transferring one or more compounds from one liquid into another, generally from aqueous into organic
- You will learn real world applications
- You will learn which apparatus is required for efficient partitioning
Who is this course for?
This course requires good knowledge of GC (or GC-MS) or HPLC (or LC-MS).
Course combinations
Combine with any of the other classroom-based sample preparation for gas chromatography and liquid chromatography courses:
- Practical Essentials of Derivatisation
- Practical Essentials of Solid-Phase Extraction (SPE)
- Practical Essentials of Solid-Phase Micro-Extraction (SPME)
- Practical Essentials of Headspace
- Practical Essentials of Purge-and-Trap (P&T)
- Practical Essentials of Thermal Desorption (TD)
- Practical Essentials of Pyrolysis (Py)
- Combine courses and save:
- Combine 2 modules - price £385 + VAT
- Combine 3 modules - price £565 + VAT
- Combine 4 modules - price £750 + VAT
- Combine 5 modules - price £925 + VAT
- Combine 6 modules - price £1100 + VAT
- Combine 7 modules - price £1260 + VAT
- Combine all 8 modules - price £1495 + VAT
How to book this course
View dates and book Virtual Classroom course.
Feedback from previous attendees of Virtual Classroom course
"I thought it was well-structured and very easy to follow." Joe Marsden, PhD Student, University of Leeds (November 2021).
"It was a very good introduction to LLE." Blaise Bridier, Customer application development technologist, ExxonMobil Chemical (November 2021).