These courses include practical exercises in the laboratory and many are available as scheduled courses as well as being taught both on and offsite, tailored or bespoke.
Scheduled courses that use or can use the Leco GC-ToFMS or GCxGC-ToFMS:
2-day GCxGC Data Handling (Leco ChromaTOF)
5-day Hands-on Complete GC & GC-MS
1-day Hands-on Solid-Phase Micro-Extraction (SPME)
2-day Hands-on Advanced Injection Techniques
1-day Hands-on Programmable Temperature Vapourisers (PTVs)
1-day Hands-on Large Volume Injection (LVI)
Leco-specific training
We can give both onsite and offsite tailored and bespoke training and consultancy on Leco Pegasus GC-ToFMS, Leco Peg4D GCxGC-ToFMS and ChromaTOF software.
We also provide our consultancy services to troubleshoot and develop GCxGC methods, with 15 years of experience of using, maintaining and troubleshooting the Leco GCxGC instrument equipped with most automated sample preparation techniques.
Please contact us to discuss your requirements for training and consultancy on Leco instrumentation.