Our consultants frequently present on a range of analytical chemistry topics at industry conferences.
If you would like to discuss a speaking opportunity with us, please contact us.
Upcoming Events
ISC 2024 - 6th - 10th October 2024, Liverpool, UK.
ISC 2024- ‘Imagine a World of Chromatography’ will be taking place for in the inspirational city of Liverpool in October 2024. We will be exhibiting and presenting at this exciting event, held for the first time in the UK in two decades. Registration opens in January, and there is currently a call out for oral and poster submissions so get your abstract in asap. Come to visit us on Stand 43!

Solutions In Science - 15th - 17th July 2025, Brighton, UK.
Following the success of the first SinS event this year, we are delighted to announce we will be returning to SinS 2025, this time held at The Brighton Centre, Brighton. Visit us on Stand 1! We are already looking forward to this: both the conference & exhibition and also the super social events. Watch this space for registration opening and we hope to see you there!
Past Events
Emissions Analytics: Tyre Emissions & Sustainability- 24th-25th April 2024, Irvine, USA.
Emissions Analytics are hosting their own conference at The Beckman Centre in California this April. Diane will be presenting on 'The Principles & Challenges of Tyre Analysis'. Registration is open here now!
Pittcon 2024 - 24th - 28th February 2024, San Diego, USA.
Pittcon 2024 – ‘the event for scientific breakthroughs’ will be taking place for the first time on the West Coast (USA) in San Diego on Saturday 24th February to Wednesday 28th February 2024, and will feature short courses, an exhibition and social events. Anthias will be running 6 short courses during the conference. Registration is open here now!
JPAG Pharmaceutical Analysis Research Awards and Careers Symposium 2023 - 21st November 2023, London, UK.
Diane was the key note speaker at the Joint Pharmaceutical Analysis Group Career’s Symposium at the Royal Society of Chemistry’s (RSC) Burlington House and gave a fascinating talk on her unique professional background entitled ‘From Scilly all the way to the RSC’. The feedback from the audience was excellent and it was especially inspirational to the students and Early Career Scientists. JPAG is an excellent not-for-profit group jointly sponsored by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society and the RSC back in the 1960s to forward the interests of Pharmaceutical Analysts and promote quality control. (The photo is of Diane carrying out marine surveys and was taken from her presentation.)
Lab Innovations - 1st - 2nd November 2023, Birmingham NEC, UK.
Dr Diane Turner & Dr Pernilla Sörme from My Green Lab will be doing a talk on The Sustainable Lab: Practical Tips for Lab Management and Sample Analysis. Recent years have seen the emergence of a laboratory sustainability movement around the world but the practicalities of this are challenging. They are highly specialised and resource intensive spaces that require specialised buildings, equipment and even personnel. However, for the laboratories this is a great opportunity for improvement and taking small actions can have a big impact. Greatest success has been seen when frameworks address laboratory sustainability holistically by encouraging scientists to reduce energy, water, waste, and hazardous chemical use. The not-for-profit organisation ‘My Green Lab’ provides a comprehensive program that not only shows the benefit of reducing the environmental footprint on the laboratories, but also encourages behaviour changes that achieve an enduring culture of sustainability. This talk will begin with some general practical aspects on how laboratories can achieve better sustainability with takeaway practical tips to empower change. Diane Turner will move the talk onto the specific area of analytical chemistry, exploring the ways you can assess or develop your method from a sustainability point of view by implementing a step-by-step plan from sample collection through transport, storage, analysis and reporting. Using GC &GC-MS as an example she will run through ideas for each step. This will progress onto useful tips for considering sustainability during the process of instrument acquisition. These improvements not only have a positive environmental effect but can also improve long-term cost efficiency whilst maintaining sample integrity and producing accurate and reproducible results.

Lab Innovations - 1st - 2nd November 2023, Birmingham NEC, UK
Dr Giles Edwards will be doing a talk on Moving Towards Sustainable Analysis: Liquid Chromatography, LC-MS & ICP-MS Instrumentation, Applications, Reporting and the Analyst. Sustainable laboratory practices encompass social, economic and environmental factors that may be adopted and improved upon in part by the analyst; sustainability starts at home and in our case the lab. The analytical method development process is designed to optimise how we get answers to questions related to chemical measurements which are usually both quantitative and qualitative, there is always room for improvement. The choice of instrumentation that improves sensitivity, speed, selectivity and specificity of an analytical method such as migration from HPLC to UHPLC and solvent recycling will all contribute to a more sustainable laboratory workflow. Sustainable instrument development practices will also be discussed including the development of novel ICP-MS instrumentation and its hyphenation to laser spectroscopy, the reuse of modular components, reduction of energy consumption, 3D printing of prototypes and upcycling. The adoption of the “reduce, reuse and recycle” mantra, green chemistry techniques, moving away from single use plastics, data management and storage strategies all contribute to a more sustainable future; these will all be discussed with strategies for implementation and efficient integration within existing analytical workflows. Finally product life cycle and the feasibility of instrument re-use and re-deployment with academics in developing countries will be investigated and how this makes positive impact on our global sustainability goals.

Lab Innovations - 1st - 2nd November 2023, Birmingham NEC, UK
Anthias' Senior Consultant Dr Diane Turner will be doing a talk on Gas Chromatography & GC-MS Sustainability & Health Check. Further on from her earlier talk on laboratory sustainability, Diane Turner will focus specifically on sustainability within the techniques of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. This will include a step-by-step approach to the different stages of sample analysis using these techniques, from discussing your laboratory gas supply through to mass spectrometric detection. Ideas and tips will be shared on the gases used, inlet modes of operation, column internal diameters and flow rates, oven temperatures, GC detector flows, MS vacuum systems. Finally, the presentation will touch upon the importance of gas saver modes, standby methods, preventative maintenance and troubleshooting to avoid leaks, reduce power consumption and improve sustainability.
NTDC Partner Forum 2023
As proud partners of HEaTED we are looking forward to having a stand at the NTDC Partner Forum at Sheffield Hallam University on 6th September. Tickets are free and available now here. The day aims to open discussions around making technical careers a viable option for every person, regardless of background and circumstance. We really hope to see you there so make sure you book your ticket now!
SelectScience® Virtual Analytical Summit 2023.
Dr Diane Turner will be presenting on advanced GC techniques at the SelectScience® Virtual Analytical Summit 2023 on 14th February 2023.
Register to attend on the SelectScience website.

Pittcon 18th - 23rd March, Philadelphia, USA
Anthias trainers are teaching four Short Courses at Pittcon 2023:
- Saturday 18th March: Applied Maintenance and Troubleshooting for LC & LC-MS
- Saturday 18th March: Applied Method Development for GC & GC-MS
- Sunday 19th March: Applied Maintenance and Troubleshooting for GC & GC-MS
- Sunday 19th March: Absolute Basics of Mass Spectrometry Imaging (MSI)

Solutions in Science (SinS) - 4th - 6th July 2023, Cardiff, UK - stand 31
Anthias Consulting are excited to be exhibiting at Solutions in Science (SinS) - visit us on stand 31.
The SinS conference and exhibition will showcase a complementary and diverse range of analytical topics. The conference programme will highlight scientific solutions, presenting delegates with the latest research, techniques, instruments, and applications from Industry and academia. The event will be of value to laboratory and analytical scientists who have an interest and work in the fields of food, water or environmental analysis, toxicology, the separation sciences and or spectroscopy.
Visit the SinS website to find out more.
Past Events

Pittcon 2022, Virtual Event.
Dr Giles Edwards presented an online training session 'Applied Method Development and Optimisation for Liquid Chromatography and Liquid Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry' on 6th December 2022, as part of the online Pittcon Short Courses programme.
Find out more on the Pittcon website.

Lab Innovations - 2nd - 3rd November 2022, Birmingham, UK - stand D52.
Anthias Consulting exhibited at Lab Innovations in November - read more about Lab Innovations 2022.

Lab Innovations - 2nd - 3rd November 2022, Birmingham, UK - stand D52.
Anthias' Senior Consultant Dr Diane Turner presented a talk titled 'From food to fuel – analysing diverse matrices' within the Royal Society of Chemistry theatre at Lab Innovations - download the presentation

SelectScience® Virtual Analytical Summit 2022.
Dr Diane Turner is presenting a talk 'Needle in a haystack? Working with 3D data' at the SelectScience® Virtual Analytical Summit 2022 on 15th February 2022.
Register to attend on the SelectScience website.

Lab Innovations - 3rd - 4th November 2021, Birmingham, UK - visit us on stand E118.
Anthias Consulting exhibited at Lab Innovations in November 2021 - on stand E118. Anthias were delighted to win two awards at the Lab Awards - read more.
Anthias' consultants presented the following CPD training presentations within the Royal Society of Chemistry theatre:
- 3rd November at 3pm Dr Giles Edwards - 'LC-MS techniques in the research of infectious diseases'.
- 4th November at 2pm Dr Diane Turner - 'Analysis in the recycling of plastics using GC-MS with headspace-trap, thermal desorption and pyrolysis techniques'.

Analytical Research Forum (ARF) - 15th - 16th June 2021, online.
The Analytical Research Forum is the flagship event of the Royal Society of Chemistry's Analytical Division. The scientific symposium will present cutting-edge analytical chemistry through a programme of keynotes and talks along with panel discussions to showcase careers in analytical chemistry. The event offers early career researchers the opportunity to present their work and to connect and engage with the analytical community. Anthias Consulting's Director and Senior Consultant Dr Diane Turner was Chair of the Scientific Organising Committee for ARF 2021.

Pittcon 2021 - 1st - 19th March 2021, Virtual Event.
Anthias Consulting delivered four online training sessions as part of the Short Courses programme at Pittcon 2021:
- 1st March: Applied Gas Chromatography and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Maintenance and Troubleshooting
- 4th March: Applied Method Development for Gas Chromatography and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
- 15th March: Applied Method Development and Optimisation for Liquid Chromatography and Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
- 16th March: Applied Liquid Chromatography and Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Maintenance and Troubleshooting
SelectScience® Virtual Analytical Summit 2021.
Dr Diane Turner presented a talk 'Choosing an automated sample preparation technique to match your analytes and matrix' at the SelectScience® Virtual Analytical Summit 2021.
Watch Diane's presentation on-demand on the The Scientists' Channel® website.
2020 Events

Dr Diane Turner presented at the Technology Networks webinar 'Innovations in Mass Spectrometry: Exploring the Latest Advances' - 29th June 2020.
To catch up with the webinar, visit the Technology Networks website.

SelectScience® Virtual Analytical Summit 2020.
Dr Diane Turner presented a talk 'A Molecule's Journey Through Gas Chromatography' at the SelectScience Virtual Analytical Summit in March 2020, which provided a forum for scientists and manufacturers to continue to connect to advance science.
Watch Diane's presentation on-demand on the The Scientists' Channel® website.

Pittcon - 1st - 5th March 2020, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Dr Diane Turner and Richard Stokes presented short courses at Pittcon 2020.

16th International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Separation Technology (HTC-16) - 29th - 31st January 2020, Ghent, Belgium.
We attended the HTC-16 conference which featured a full programme covering the latest developments in separation technologies and hyphenated techniques. Find out more at the event website.
2019 Events

LECO Separation Science Symposium 29th and 30th October 2019, Manchester, UK.
Dr Diane Turner gave a talk on 'Selectivity: Where, When and How to Use It!' at this symposium which offered the chance to hear from a range of expert speakers and network with analysts from multiple disciplines. Diane was also part of a Q&A panel session at the event. Find out more and register on the LECO website.

Lab Innovations - 30th and 31st October 2019, Birmingham, UK.
Dr Diane Turner presented at Lab Innovations with her talk on 'Using the Periodic Table in our GC-MS analyses' as part of the Royal Society of Chemistry's programme celebrating the International Year of The Periodic Table. A copy of Diane's presentation is available for download here.

Recent advances in VOC and SVOC sampling - 25th September 2019, Manchester, UK.
Dr Diane Turner presented at this workshop hosted by Markes International.

Emerging Analytical Professionals (EAP) - 10th - 12th May 2019, Leeds, UK.
The Analytical Science Network annual conference provides networking and continuing professional development (CPD) opportunities for early career analytical scientists across all disciplines. The 2019 conference theme was Elementary: Exploring the Analytical Sciences’ exploring how analytical science underpins the sciences. This included topics such as electrochemistry, environmental, forensics, safety and security, pharmaceuticals, spectrometry and much more. Dr Diane Turner presented a CPD session 'Method development and method validation: The key to success!' covering all applications and techniques.
The ASN's next event is the Bright Spark Symposium 2019 on 13th September 2019 at the University of Brighton. To find out more this and future events, visit the Analytical Science Network website.

Pittcon 2019 - 17th - 21st March 2019, Philadelphia, USA. Dr Diane Turner presented four short courses at Pittcon 2019. Diane's courses were well attended with 52 delegates trained over the 4 days:
GC & GC-MS Troubleshooting & Maintenance
Sample Introduction in GC & GC-MS
Practical Essentials of Thermal Desorption
GC & GC-MS Method Development
To find out more about next year's event, visit the Pittcon website.
2018 Events

Lab Innovations - 31st October and 1st November 2018, Birmingham, UK
Dr Diane Turner gave a presentation on each of the two days as part of the seminar programme in the Royal Society of Chemistry Theatre within the key themes of human health and the environment:
Upgrade your techniques with sorptive analysis for disease diagnosis
Upgrade your techniques with thermal desorption for air quality monitoring