Comprehensive GC Hardware (Scion/Bruker/Varian GC)
Course summary
- Number of days: 2
- Experience level: Intermediate
- Type: Manufacturer-specific; analysts using Scion/Bruker/Varian GC
- Teaching method: Face-to-face classroom with practicals in the laboratory
- Course venue: Course venue: The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK | See individual dates for other venues
- Onsite/offsite availability: Arrange this course just for you
- Scheduled course price: £875 + VAT per delegate
What will you learn on this course?
The two-day Comprehensive GC Hardware training course introduces the fundamental theory of gas chromatography along with the set-up, maintenance and troubleshooting of the Scion/Bruker/Varian CP3800 GC hardware.
The course covers an introduction to gas chromatography; instrument overview; introduction to troubleshooting; gases, supply and handling; autosamplers; split-splitless and PTV inlets; capillary columns; flame ionisation and electron capture detectors.
It combines a mixture of classroom based presentations with hands-on hardware lab exercises, to give you comprehensive training.
Learning outcomes
- You will learn the theory of gas chromatography and the importance of good chromatography
- You will become familiar with the Scion/Bruker/Varian CP3800 Gas Chromatograph and learn about the function & operation of individual GC components
- You will learn the logical steps of instrument troubleshooting
- You will have practical experience of adjusting the parameters and performing maintenance of the GC instrument
- You will review gas supply and gas handling, Varian autosampler, Varian inlets including split-splitless and PTV, capillary columns, and Varian detectors focusing on FID and ECD
Who is this course for?
This course is primarily for analysts and technicians responsible for the operation, maintenance and troubleshooting of Scion/Bruker/Varian gas chromatographs.
Please note the practical exercises will take place on a Varian 3800 GC but the training is suitable for all models of Scion/Bruker/Varian gas chromatographs.
Course combinations
- Combine with the 2-day Comprehensive GC Software (Bruker/Varian Star) course to attend the full 4-day Comprehensive GC (Scion/Bruker/Varian GC with Star) course for £1590 + VAT.
- Or combine with the 2-day Comprehensive GC Software (Bruker/Varian Galaxie) course to attend the full 4-day Comprehensive GC (Scion/Bruker/Varian GC with Galaxie) course for £1590 + VAT.
- Or combine with the 2-day Comprehensive GC Software (Scion Compass CDS) course to attend the full 4-day Comprehensive GC (Scion/Bruker/Varian GC with Scion Compass CDS) course for £1590 + VAT.