HPLC Columns, HPLC Detectors and Mass Spectrometers
Day 2 / Modules 4, 5 and 7 of the Complete HPLC & LC-MS and the Practical Essentials of HPLC & LC-MS courses.
Course summary
- Number of days: 1
- Experience level: Intermediate
- Type: Generic, applicable to all instrumentation
- Teaching method: Face-to-face classroom, with instrument parts & consumables to handle
- RSC CPD approval: Approved for CPD
- Course venue: Online training | The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK | See individual dates for other venues
- Onsite/offsite availability: Arrange this course just for you
- Scheduled course price: £385 + VAT per delegate
If you are only interested in finding out more about HPLC Columns & HPLC Detectors (including mass spectrometry), then please attend this one day course.
Course approval
This course has been approved by the Royal Society of Chemistry for purposes of Continuing Professional Development (CPD). RSC members receive a discount of 10% for this course (membership number required) if booked at least 6 weeks in advance.
What will you learn on this course?
First, the types of LC system classifications are explained. Following this, the analytical columns used in liquid chromatography are covered in detail (stationary phase, particle size etc.) including the various separation mechanisms at play, normal phase, reverse phase and HILIC.
The course covers a brief introduction into the types of detectors used in liquid chromatography both universal and selective, their relative sensitivities and linear dynamic ranges are discussed. Ultra Violet/ Visible absorbance (UV/Vis), Fluorescence (FL), Refractive Index (RI) and Photo Diode Array absorbance (PDA or DAD) detectors are covered in detail, followed by mass spectrometry with atmosphic pressure inlets. Electrospray, APCI and APPI ionisation techniques are discussed, mass analysers and tandem mass spectrometry are also covered.
The final section covers targeted or non-targeted analysis including applications that require data dependant acquisition (DDA).
The course finishes with a questions and answers session to consolidate your knowledge and leave you with a firm understanding of the topics covered.
Learning outcomes
- You will learn how to select an appropriate LC column (dimensions and stationary phase) for your application.
- You will learn the operation and selection of an appropriate LC detector.
- You will learn about the principles and components of the mass spectrometer.
Who is this course for?
If you have limited LC experience, wish to learn about these particular areas or would like to brush-up on your knowledge then this is the course for you.
Individual Modules - Virtual Classroom training
For Virtual Classroom training, you can choose to attend the individual modules from this course:
- Module 4: Practical Essentials of LC Classification, Columns & Theory
- Module 5: Practical Essentials of LC Detectors
- Module 7: Practical Essentials of Mass Spectrometers in LC-MS
To gain the full knowledge of liquid chromatography and LC-MS it is highly recommended to attend the full Complete HPLC & LC-MS course.